Monday, January 17, 2011

Photo Challenge

Yes, this is actually my second post today. Somehow I managed to get back on here, let alone have something to write about.

Of my many goals this year, the one I've been wanting to work on first (other than this blog) is my photography skills. I was fortunate to be able to purchase myself a DSLR last summer and I have taken A LOT of photos of the boys with it. But, that said, I have always wanted to dabble deeper in photography. My biggest problems right now are: 1) Time,2) Know-how beyond the basics and 3) Inspiration/ ideas.

I took some photography in high school, yet do you think I can remember much of what I learned now?

So, in my efforts to broaden my horizons in photography subjects, I found the site, which helped me come up with ideas. I've decided that I am going to start a 'challenge' for myself with a photograph a day, using the daily theme listed on

Today's theme was "Take a photo with a soft look". I guess I tried to go literally and visually.. so here is my attempt today:

Then that got me started again.... and brought me back to my regular subjects, Mason and Jacob. I started fiddling with the black and white mode again, and I thought I'd share my two favourites from today:

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